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---- soundscape march 2003
Yakisakana strikes again! The Cheeraks are some wacky Frenchmen from bands like CRASH NORMAL and THUNDERCRACK. What you get is weird, bleepy and buzzy garage punk- heavy on the punk. All the tunes are mighty fine and fans of the "out-there" garage sound should take note. (MC)
--- the blank generation june 2003
Primo French garage strangeness from members of Crash Normal, The Squares, and Thundercrack, plus the guy responsible for the artwork on Yakikasana’a releases. Far from your average band, these guys take the standard garage-rock formula and pepper it with weird noises, odd starts and stops, some vicious guitar fuzz, and what sounds like a loop of monkey noises. “Guinea Pig Killer” is a great and noisy twisted static party, but the real treat here is the B-Side. The insanely titled “I Love Hair Dryer Noise” is some great grimy blues-punk that stumbles into a groove and then breaks it down to death. Then you get “Ah Ah Ah” a ferocious blast that will tear your fucking face off, I swear to God. They crib the lyrics from The Pogues “This Old Town” and turn them into a song that’s as mean as Shane MacGowan is ugly. Listen to the B-Side first, and you’ll understand what these guys are going for. Totally unexpected, weird but not arty, and definitely one of the best singles I’ve heard this year. (RK)
--- sugar and spice 2003
Tout frais tout beau ! une bombe GARAGE PUNK WITH MADNESS !!!!! Members of SQUARES, THUNDERCRACK and CRASH NORMAL have joined together to create an explosive and subversive 4-track punk assault. Trackslisting: 1. Miss Bretzel! 2. Guinea Pigg Killer! 3. I Love Hair-Dryer Noise! 4. Ah Ah Ah (Dirty Old Town)!
--- smashin transistors
The CHEERAKS "Miss Bretzel" (Yakisakana 7inEP) On one side of this single's cover they print their band name in the AC/DC style font. On the other side the do it in an Iron Maiden type one. They don't sound like either. Well, maybe a bit like AC/DC because they got the rocked out blues progressions down but AC/DC never sounded this messed up. One of the songs is called "I Love Hair Dryer Noise" and they're aren't kidding. It's probably the biggest influence on their sound.
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Hey, toujours du trash et déjanté, sorte de Jon Spencer radical pour "Cheeraks are n°1/No Mercy", plus crooner suave sur "Honey" et blues du bayou de Schiltigheim sur la fugace "Heaven". Ça m'a eu l'air très court cette histoire alors j'ai fait péter le chronomètre, un chronomètre de marque Action acheté au centre commercial en période de villégiature dans la banlieue de Tours, un jour où je m'étais dit dans un éclair fulgurant : "il me faut absolument un chronomètre pour pouvoir chronométrer, euh, les trucs". Résultat des analyses : 1'32" pour la face A, 2'45 pour la face B. Ben mon colon, on a à peine eu le temps de se pencher sur la pochette sérigraphiée pour la contempler que le 45 tours était déjà terminé !
Very short piece of vynil here : 1mn32sec for side A vs 2mn45sec for side B. Man ! You don't even have the time to gaze upon the silkscreened hand made sleeve of this brand new Yakisakana production before the music's over.
And how's the music ? Well these weirdo's are into crazy raw RnR - imagine a radical Jon Spencer. Some bits have that "crooner" touch, you know, the "suave" smooth thing, and there are even a couple of blues chords.
A nice trash postcard from Alsace in France (or is it Germany ? I never remember).
(Guillaume Gwardeath)
--- savage magazine
Fucking great follow up to this French bands debut. I liked that one but his one is miles ahead of it.. they stole the "..are No. 1" from Jon Spencer but that was ten years ago and it still sounds pretty damn cool so why the heck not. "No Mercy" is a damn cool Blues Explosion/Blacks-sounding punker and "Honey" is more of a mid-tempo blues-grinder. And even tho’ it says four songs on the sleeve there’s only two ’real’ songs, the others are more like and intro and outro.
--- terminal boredom
The second single by a band that is quickly taking their place as the best French group in existence right now. The A-Side begins with a JSBX-mocking tape loop intro and devolves quickly into harsh and bloody little skirmish between punk and blues that sounds almost Persuders-like with its overly harsh vocal sound. The B-Side contains a great Lynchian/Lost Highway creeping groove of a song with great disembodied vocals that are almost indiscernible through the haunting echo. The perfect soundtrack for driving through the desert at night with a body in the trunk and a gun in the glovebox. My only problem with this record: It's over way too quick. But, I'll take what I can get from these guys, and so should you. (RK).
C’è gente del giro Squares e Splash Four in questa band francese di crudo garage punk. Chitarre che ronzano, urla e rumore come se piovesse. L’attitudine sembra che sia alla sperimentazione di nuove vie per cui aspetto fiducioso i risvolti di questa vicenda che si preannuncia più che interessante e rumorosa. Retaggi sixties violentati con irriverenza e a colpi di fuzz tribale, tra inserti elettronici improvvisi o parossistiche sghignazzate messe in loop (un po’ alla maniera di certe cose degli Antonio Three). Se non bastasse anche strane schegge di blues tirate fuori con nochalance, giusto per sviare ulteriormente da ogni catalogazione che si fosse tentati a fare nei loro riguardi. RAW!